Contact Morgan Reece

Welcome to my site! I’m grateful for you. That’s why I created this page to help you get the answers you need fast!

To learn about my overall vision of the site, click here.

Trademark Resources

For help with fighting frivolous trademarks on Merch or Etsy (IP infringement, Letter of Protest training, naming your brand), look through the “Trademark Resources” menu items in my sidebar first. You’ll find recommended groups, quick links, FAQs, a glossary of terms and more.

An important note about limitations

I’m on a healing path, overcoming several issues that limit my productivity. So while I’d love to talk with you one on one via email or messenger, the truth is I don’t yet have the bandwidth to do that and finish the most important project of my life (a book in tribute to my dear mom, who turned 91 just a few weeks ago).

I’m still fighting frivolous trademarks. It’s just that until Mom’s book has a proper start, my main “trademark goal” is to document what I’ve learned so far (before I forget something important! wink, wink!).

For now, if you can’t find the answers you need in the sidebar, or if something I wrote is confusing, drop a question on my Facebook business page. That’s the best way to be sure I see it. I’ll answer as soon as possible.

What CAN I help with?

Want access to ridiculously helpful stuff? Subscribe to my blog for reviews and recommendations of books, audiobooks, podcast episodes, and videos that are motivational, inspirational, and often on the cutting edge of holistic health and wellness. Not to mention strategic WordPress tips to help you build an online business that works for you on autopilot. It’s a pinch of business, several good handfuls of personal development, a side of diet and detox, with steady dependence on Jesus.

Need encouragement in your side hustle? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram to get regular cheerleading from another mom in the trenches. You’ll get a glimpse into my wins and losses as I share my journey of building a work-from-home mom life. If I can do this, you can do this! You’re gonna love it!