Hey, I just want to say thanks for making a difference.
When you choose resources through any of our partners or associated affiliate programs you are voting with your wallet to keep this website going. (Best of all, this happens at no additional cost to you! Sweet!)
Proceeds from each resource chosen through our site directly support the training resources for creatives we (I and the family that gets dinner on the table while mom is blogging) offer at no cost. And this helps support creative freedom.
I’m a grateful member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to allow participants to earn commissions by linking to Amazon. In simpler terms, this means that whenever you purchase anything on Amazon from a link here, I get a small percentage of its price (at no additional cost to you).
We may also support this project by allowing strictly limited ads and occasionally including approved links to other partners.
Thanks for each and every resource you choose from our recommendations that makes this ongoing project and many others possible.
Affiliates, partners and ads help offset the costs of running this site, and I’m grateful for every penny!